Nightmare Alley

[info headline="Release date"]2021[/info] [info headline="Time Movie"]140[/info] [info headline="Language"]English, Arabic[/info] [info headline="IMDb Rating"]7.1[/info] [info headline="Genre"]Excitement, Drama, Vagueness, A crime[/info] [info headline="Cast"]Bradley Cooper, Cate Blanchett, Ronnie Mara, Tony Collette, Ron Perlman, Paul Anderson, Willem Dafoe, Andrew Schaeffer, David Strathairn, Marie Steenbergen[/info] [button src=""]Server 1[/button] [button src=""]Server 2[/button] In 1939, drifter Stan Carlisle obtains a job at a carnival and watches a geek show, an act in which a deranged man eats a live chicken. He begins working with the clairvoyant act "Madame Zeena" and her alcoholic husband, Pete. They use coded language and cold reading tricks, which Pete keeps in a secret book.


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